Tuesday, October 20, 2015

shower time

That's me holding a cupcake at my baby shower.

Weeks 32 - 33 have flown by and I have moments of sadness because my pregnancy will soon be over and joy - also because my pregnancy will soon be over.

I had my 34 week appointment today and everything seems to be going really well. Baby is measuring on track, baby's heartbeat is good. All my tests are within the normal range. We have been very blessed with this uneventful pregnancy.

My husband and I are going to tour the birth center of the hospital where we plan to deliver next week. Other than organizing the nursery and washing the pile of baby clothes I've received, nothing is really outstanding on our to-do list.

Sending hope and prayers to everyone on this journey.

xo Jill


  1. Yay how exciting!!! I've washed a lot of stuff but there are still tons of socks and clothes to wash...the worst part is taking all of the tags off..haha Those pieces go everywhere it seems. Thankful to have the problem though for sure :) I hope your shower was great!!

  2. Yay! Hope you had a great shower!!

  3. You look so beautiful! Congratulations Jill. You are almost there :)
