Saturday, May 7, 2016

being his mom

There have been a lot of happy tears this weekend as I reflect on how my life has changed in the past year. I feel so blessed to be a mom to my son. I can't believe how joyful and complete my life has become since we found out we were pregnant, then he was born and now he's in our lives shaking things up and keeping us on our toes.

Every day he's growing more and more. Doing different things, making different sounds, moving, flipping, scooting, reaching.

Thank you God for my son.

Today I met my mom, sister and cousin for lunch and a little light shopping. We went to the fabric shop, yarn shop, book store and a coffee shop. Logan sat in his stroller and watched people. He's full of smiles. Pretty easy to take care of.

I got so lucky. We got so lucky.

Thank you God for our donor family. I hope they are having a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. We agreed to exchange information once a year. I wish I could send them a picture of Logan today, but know I need to honor our agreement.

Praying for you all on this journey. If you are feeling sad this Mother's Day because your prayers have not been answered yet, please keep your hope alive. I never thought this could happen to me, but it did.

I hope you bring home your baby soon.

xo Jill

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day to you!!! This day was a wonderful one for our family as well.
