Monday, October 6, 2014

big ol' butt (and mondays)

Today is a Monday.

Today is a Monday and I went into work, bent over, and bust out the seam in the back of my trousers.

Today is Monday and I went into work, bent over and bust out the seam in the back of my trousers and had to drive home through rush hour traffic to change clothes.

Today is Monday and I went into work, bent over and bust out the seam in the back of my trousers and had to drive home through rush hour traffic to change clothes, then my computer crashed five times.

Today is Monday and I went into work, bent over and bust out the seam in the back of my trousers and had to drive home through rush hour traffic to change clothes, then my computer crashed five times, and when I got home I discovered the dog had pulled some books off the bookshelf and destroyed them in the middle of the living room.

Today is Monday and I went into work, bent over and bust out the seam in the back of my trousers and had to drive home through rush hour traffic to change clothes, then my computer crashed five times, and when I got home I discovered the dog had pulled some books off the bookshelf and destroyed them in the middle of the living room, then I opened the fridge and all there is to eat is a jar of pickles and some mac'n'cheese.

But then my husband came home and gave me a smooch and laughed at my story (over and over and over) and you know what?

I am ok.

(Plus, I'm going shopping.)


  1. Thankfully today is Tuesday, and hopefully much better for you than yesterday!

  2. Your computer crashed five times? That's startling! Has it survived that freak ordeal? I guess, it means you should really have it examined completely right now, so as for you to determine what needs to be done or if it already needs replacement. Good luck!

    Cordia Remsen @ RB's Computer Service
