Saturday, October 4, 2014

piles of paperwork

I'm happy that it's the weekend again. As I write this I have some fresh pumpkin baking in the oven for the spiced pumpkin cake that I plan to make later today. Garrett is working, so I have the house to myself. I've done some cleaning, and I also took the cat to the vet.

We're renewing our home study so I have piles of paper work stacked on my desk.

We got our appointment at the National Embryo Donation Center - December 1, 2014! We will be taking a Thanksgiving road trip from Minnesota to Tennessee. That's about a 15 hour drive each way, but driving is still much, much cheaper than flying at that time of year.

We have to wait until January 7, 2015 - because that's our 3 year anniversary - to start making matches with donors. That's an extra month wait . . . God is good. I feel like all of the cogs on this invisible machine that is going to help us start our family are finally starting to line up and creak into motion.

We've been watching the videos provided by The National Fertility Support Center to help us understand the various aspects of embryo adoption. I'm hoping that nothing prevents us from having an open adoption with our child, because that really seems like the best way to go. It will be hard and scary, but it's the best thing for the child.

I'm already day dreaming about our family.

 . . . just a little bit . . .

Then I stop and say a prayer for patience and hope that this will work and get back to focusing on the day to day aspects of my life. Like I said, I took the cat to the vet today. It looks like she has some cavities. (I know!) (Cavities?) So I'll have to take care of that. Then there's this project that needs to go out at work. Then there's knitting and book club and the approaching holidays.

Before I know it January 7, 2015 will be here.

I am counting down the days . . . but I'm also trying to enjoy them.

To all of you celebrating pregnancy, I send you warm hopes. To all of you struggling with sorrow and loss, you are in my prayers. To all of you fighting to keep your babies safe and strong, I ask God to watch over you. To all of you waiting for joy, I am waiting with you. 




  1. I love this update! I'm so happy you have your consult on the books. So it sounds like hopefully you could transfer in the March group? :)

  2. Wow! Excited for you and this timeline. Will pray for patience and fulfilling months leading up to it.

  3. YAY!! I am so excited for you. If my baby oven wasn't broken too, this is the route we were hoping to take.
