Sunday, March 22, 2015

the weekend

Saturday and Sunday have been good. We had a birthday party for my husband yesterday and his entire family was over at our house, so I was busy and my mind was occupied. When everyone left that evening my husband and I sat chatting on the sofa. We're hoping that we get to share good news with them soon.

I can't really claim that I have any symptoms. My breasts are bigger, but I know that's from the progesterone. I have been feeling slight twinges in my uterus, but that happened more on days 1, 2 and 3, then it's happening now. The only weird symptom that I may have is that I get winded when I walk a block, or when I've been standing on my feet for too long. It could all be the drugs.

One thing I know for sure is that I have no regrets in trying Embryo Adoption. My heart is so grateful to our donors and to all of the people online who have given me support and encouragement.

Praying for a positive in a few days. We've decided that we're not going to test until the morning of our beta. I'm traveling for work Tuesday and Wednesday and my husband has a final on Thursday - which is our BETA day. We will test that morning so that we're prepared for the news.

Will we finally get lucky? Will our prayers finally get answered?

Hoping for the best, praying I have the strength to deal with disappointment and rebound for another cycle. Trying to trust in God - that he has a plan for us and that there is JOY ahead.

Jill xoxo


  1. I pray Thursday brings two lines and then a great beta!!!

  2. Prayers for a positive test on Thursday!!
