Thursday, January 8, 2015

anniversary # 3 - waffles and wine

Well, anniversary number three has come and gone.

(It was kinda anti-climatic - can you believe that?)

I bet you can.

We actually had our interview with the social worker from the National Fertility Support Center on the night of our anniversary. We were in such a hurry about dinner, because we did a call-in at 6 pm, that I made us waffles.

I also had a glass of wine.

So, all of our paperwork has been turned into the National Fertility Support Center and our social worker said that she would submit the proper paperwork to the National Embryo Donation Center on Friday.

That's tomorrow!

Then we can start being matched. 

I got my period on Tuesday, so now I only have one more cycle to go before I start birth control pills and my drug protocol in February.

We could be pregnant in March, ya'all!

Woot! Woot!

Feeling good.


1 comment:

  1. That's such a great milestone to have that checked off your list! :)
