Saturday, August 30, 2014

baby board

Hoping for the best. Praying for God's blessing. Trying to find peace in this journey.

I made this collage last weekend from a bunch of old magazines. I love to make collages. For this one I focused on all of my baby-making hopes for the immediate future and the years ahead. This bulletin board is on the wall beside the table where I've set up my med injection kit. I take my shots in the morning and at night and then imagine myself into the place where all of these images live.

Stim shots are going good. But I'm a bit worried that they didn't give me enough Follistim. Right now I'm on 200 IU dose and I only have 1300 IUs left in the fridge. I will have to ask at my next appointment - which is Labor Day.

Hope everyone has a good holiday.


  1. The waiting is so hard- going in frequently and getting all these scans- argh! Sending you lots of positivity and light:)

  2. That collage is great! It seems like a great visualization. I had a page of positivity that I hung up near where I did my shots, but i like the collage idea even better.

  3. Just checking in on you! How are stims going? Thinking of you!

  4. Just checking in to see how stims are going- I hope you are hanging in there. Stay Postive.
