Monday, June 16, 2014

kicking off a new cycle (IVF #1)

I started to reschedule appointments for our first round of IVF today. Our last treatment cycle was in April when I was put on a 100 mg dose of Clomid days 3-7 of my cycle. It was during that cycle that things started to go really haywire with my body. My brain did not like Clomid at all. We're still not sure if I ovulated with the Ovidrel trigger, or if my body released a few eggs (I had three) and not all of them - and one hung around for ten days before releasing late - screwing my hormones up. Or if the cysts that ultimately developed were releasing hormones as well - which also subsequently screwed my hormones up.

I'm guessing a little of both.

I know some women have had success with clomid and can pop it like candy while their body chugs happily away developing eggs, but I am not one of them. Clomid completely messed me up and also made me angry, emotional and really, really depressed while I was on it.

Phew, I'm glad I'm off of it - and so is my husband. Keep that stuff away from me. On that flip side, Clomid is one of the cheapest fertility drugs out there and since our insurance doesn't cover anything involving assisted reproduction we are now moving up to platinum level fertility treatments.

This sucks, ladies!

So I've been waiting 60 days from my cycle to start to level out. I've been drinking detox tea and visiting my acupuncturist 2 days a week. Finally, I can tell my cycle is coming back on track, so I started to schedule appointments a month out.

I have my sonohysterogram scheduled for July 10th and if my hormones are on track after my day 3 labs we should be good to go with the protocol Dr. P. decides will work for me. My hopes are that we can have our transfer mid-to-late August. Our clinic doesn't run their IVF program the first two weeks of August. The positive side to this is that my RE and Embryologist will be fresh and relaxed from their summer vacations. 

I am certain I will be one hot hormonal mess . . . 

In the weeks leading up to our IVF I'm really being careful about what I eat and the suppliments I'm taking in preparation. 

So far I'm on:

  • prenatal vitamins
  • royal jelly
  • brazil nuts
  • avocados
  • detox tea
  • no caffine
  • limiting my red meat consumption to 1 meal a week
  • lots of fresh fruits and veggies
  • pineapple according to where I'm at in my cycle
  • no booze 
  • wheat grass smoothies
  • bi-weekly acupuncture
  • daily yoga and meditation
  • daily walks with my dog
  • daily prayer and reflection
If anyone has any suggestions for further food choices or suppliments that have worked for them please let me know. 

Thanks for your support, I truly appreciate it!


1 comment:

  1. We began our 1st IVF cycle last month and my body didn't respond to clomid at all. We have now started a new cycle with Gonal Injections daily and I won't know until Saturday how they are working. Much of luck to you in your journey, ours sounds very familiar with many of the same feelings. Pregnancy announcements DO SUCK!!! Love your blog btw :)
