Thursday, September 4, 2014

stim blues

Well, I had a very disappointing day today. My body is not responding very well to the stimulation medication that they have me on.

Out of the 10 follicles that I have developing 5 are solid 11 - 13 mm range but the other five are lagging behind at the 6 - 8 mm range. I was hoping for a better showing.

The nurse was so fast about doing the ultrasound, I was trying to count the follicles, that my ultrasound session seemed very short and abrupt today. She told me to get dressed and then came back in to talk about the results and then I started crying.

She asked if I wanted to talk to a doctor and I said yes. At that point I was thinking we should just turn this cycle into an IUI because of my poor response. Then the doctor came in and said that while my response was a little below average, she wouldn't consider canceling this cycle. The other five could still catch up - some of them.

My estrodiol level is at 784.

So now I'm on 275 IU dose of Follistim for tonight only and they they have doubled my Meopur dose in the mornings. It was at 75 IU, but now it's up to 150 IU. Will this help? Will this hurt? I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. I made it through work today and then came home and bawled on my husband's shoulder.

I just want this awful time in our life to be over and in my mind in order for that to happen we need more eggs. Then a baby.

Please help me out here, ladies. Any kind words of encouragement, tales of success and prayers would be greatly appreciated.

I'm making a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup - it's the only thing I can think to do.

Sending love and hope:



  1. Oh Jill I was at the same place you are during our cycle. Though, mine were much much much smaller than yours are. They increased my dose and I ended up with 11 over 19mm. I was told that there are a lot of women who take longer to respond to the hormones and I found it to be true. Good Luck and grow Follies GROW! :)

    1. Thank you so much for the encouragement, Denise! I can't tell you how much better I feel after reading these responses. THANK YOU!

  2. I was a super slow responder but when I upped the meds some follicles caught up. I have very low AMH so only ended up with seven eggs but looking at my little miracle baby now. It only takes one!!

    1. Thank you for telling me this. I just took my increased dosage of Follistim a few minutes ago and I'm going to hope that those other follicles catch up.

  3. the increased meds will definitely help! i never had to increase meds but i started at pretty high doses - 275 IU of menopur and 187 IU of gonal-F. keep the faith!

  4. Jillian,
    This does and will work for you. Don't focus too much on the day to day numbers because that will drive you crazy. You still have a ways to go in the process and those follicles can still catch up. I NEVER imagined that they would be able to take as many eggs as they did -- 18! Even right at the end my ultrasounds did not indicate they would get that response. This is hard, but you are strong and you WILL get through this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. I don't know much about IVF stimulation, so I don't know exactly how good or bad your results are, but I do know you need plenty of plump eggs to become embryos for you, so I am hoping and praying your body can respond well and the eggs that come in harvesting will be healthy.
