Monday, September 8, 2014

trigger day

After my ultrasound and blood work yesterday, my doctor told me to give myself my trigger shot last night. One of my follicles was pushing over 20 mm, so we don't want to lose that one.

Retrieval is tomorrow morning at 8 AM. I'm scared and excited. Scared that I'm excited. I hope we get something that we can work with. I hope I can feel some hope and excitement tomorrow when we hear back from the lab about how many of our eggs were fertilized.

I don't know what to expect. This journey has already been full of so many ups and downs. I know that hardest part of the IVF journey is still to come - THE TWO WEEK WAIT.

We still have some major hurdles to get over before we can go there.

I realized as I was driving home from work that this will be our seventh treatment cycle. We have had 4 failed all natural IUI cycles and 2 medicated IUI cycles with donor sperm - also failed. This one is number seven. 

Lucky number seven?

I hope so.



  1. Yay! Good luck hon. Will be praying for you. Remember to stay positive and pace yourself, the emotions can be an overwhelming roller coaster as the meds and hormones are dying down.

  2. Oh I hope the retrieval goes smoothly and many healthy embryos are formed today! Grow little embies!

  3. Just popping back to say, hoping all is going swimmingly today (no pun intended!). You have been so resilient and strong to get here and although this is the week of truth, it is also out of our control, so I hope that you can find the moments to be still, to not think and to recuperate. Wishing for some great numbers.

  4. Oh Goodness so EXCITED for you. I hope there are lot's of fertilized eggs today :)
